
Citizenship: SSEHV Lesson Plans & Citizenship


Key Stage 1

Key Stage 2

Key Stage 1: PSHE, Citizenship and the Sathya Sai Education in Human Values Programme

The table below demonstrates how the Sathya Sai Education in Human Values programme can be used to meet the national curriculum requirements of Key Stage 1 for PSHE and Citizenship. Please note:

  • All lesson plan references for key stage 1 are taken from "Sathya Sai Education in Human Values - An Introduction and Lesson Plans" (Book 1 & Book 2).
  • Sathya Sai EHV is based on a coherent approach to learning of the "head" (cognitive), "heart" (affective) and "hands" (physical). Therefore "feelings" are dealt with in every lesson and children are encouraged to discuss the quotation/theme for the week.

These tables are available in booklet form for ease of reference. Please contact us for details.

Knowledge, Skills and Understanding


Sathya Sai EHV & Key Stage 1

PSHE & Citizenship Guidelines

What pupils should be taught

Sathya Sai EHV

Main Value

(Related values)


Developing confidence and responsibility  and making the most of their abilities

To recognise what they like and dislike, what is fair and unfair, and what is right and wrong

Lesson 1.2

Truth (Telling the Truth)

To stimulate awareness of the importance of telling the truth



Lesson 1.6

Truth (Owning Up)

To stimulate thinking, widen understanding and encourage the action of telling the truth



Lesson 1.19

Right Conduct (Good Relationships)

To learn to empathise with others


To share their opinions on things that matter to them and explain their views

Lesson 1.12

Peace (Being even tempered and dealing with bullying)

To consider how we feel, and how by seeing and accepting our feelings, we may be able to become more positive in our attitude when things seem difficult


To recognise, name and deal with their feelings in a positive way

Lesson 1.11

Love (Sharing love  - jealousy)

To understand that love expands.  The more love there is, the more it grows



Lesson 1.3

Truth (Fearlessness – fear)

To look at and talk about our fears and know that fear is useful when warning about danger, but that it sometimes may lead to imaginary fears, which stop us from doing things.




Lesson 1.7

Love (Being loving – love)

To stimulate thinking about the effect love has on oneself and on others



Lesson 1.10

Love (Friendship – affection)

To stimulate thought and action about the importance of kindness to each other



Lesson 1.12

Peace (Being even tempered – feeling irritable)

To consider how we feel, and how by seeing and accepting our feelings, we may be able to become more positive in our attitude when things seem difficult.


To think about themselves, learn from their experiences and recognise what they are good at;

Lesson 1.15

Peace (Self-esteem)

To consider the innate goodness of all, including myself*


To learn how to set simple goals









Preparing to play an active role as citizens

To take part in discussions with one other person and the whole class

Lesson 1.24

Non Violence (Living without waste – use of time)

To realise time is precious and that it is important how we spend it



Lesson 1.26

Non Violence (Universal love)

To develop a feeling of love for all


To take part in a simple debate about topical issues

Lesson 1.22

Non Violence (Consideration for wild life)

To stimulate thinking about the rights of other creatures to live and our part in caring for them



Lesson 1.26

Non Violence (Universal Love)

To develop a feeling of love for all (especially planet earth)


To recognise  choices they can make, and recognise the difference between right and wrong

Lesson 1.2

Truth (Telling the truth)

To stimulate an awareness of the importance of telling the truth



Lesson 1.6

Truth (Owning up)

To stimulate thinking, widen understanding and encourage the action of telling the truth


To agree and follow rules for their group and classroom and understand how rules help them

Introduction Page 62

Right Conduct

To help children establish their own comfortable environment for learning and keeping to agreements made


To realise that people and other living things have needs, and that they have responsibilities to meet them

Lesson 1.8

Love (Compassion)

To stimulate thinking about basic needs being the same for everyone



Lesson 1.9

Love (Consideration)

To stimulate thinking how consideration for others may bring about our own happiness




Lesson 1.16

Peace (Virtue)

To think about why being good brings happiness inside



Lesson 1.22

Non Violence (Consideration for wild life)

To stimulate thinking about the rights of other creatures to live and our part in caring for them



Lesson 1.23

Non Violence (Friendship with animals)

To stimulate thinking about the and action about friendly behaviour towards animals


To appreciate that they belong to various groups and communities, such as family and school

Lesson 1.11

Love (Sharing love –family)

To understand that love expands.  The more love there is, the more it grows



Lesson 1.19

Right Conduct (Good relationships – school)

To learn to empathise with others


To understand what improves and harms their local, natural and built environments and about some of the ways people look after them

Lesson 1.25

Non Violence (Love of nature)

To stimulate thinking about the beauty of the world and develop a sense of care and respect


To contribute to the life of the class and the school

Lesson 1.19

Right Conduct (Good relationships - school)

To learn to empathise with others



Lesson Plan on Setting Simple Goals




To realise that money comes from different sources and can be used for different purposes

Lesson 2.13

Peace (Ceiling on desires – money)

To stimulate thinking about the difference between what we need and what we want and strengthen the ability to choose more carefully.

Developing a healthier, safer lifestyle

How to make simple choices that improve their health and well-being

Lesson 1.17

Right Conduct (Care of myself)

To raise awareness of the different ways of caring for oneself and to raise self esteem


To maintain personal hygiene





To understand how diseases can be spread and controlled





To appreciate the process of growing from young to old and how people’s needs change





To name the main parts of the body





The understanding that all household products, including medicines, can be harmful if not used properly






Rules for, and ways of, keeping safe, including basic road safety, and about people who can help them to stay safe




Developing good relationships and respecting the difference between people

To recognise how their behaviour affects other people

Lesson 1.9

Love (Consideration)

To stimulate thinking on how consideration for others may bring about our own happiness



Lesson 1.10

Love (Friendship)

To stimulate thought and action about the importance of kindness to each other


To listen to other people, and play and work co-operatively

Lesson 1.19

Right Conduct (Good relationships)

To learn to empathise with others


To identify and respect the differences and similarities between people

Lesson 2.20

Right Conduct (Respect)

To broaden understanding of another’s viewpoint and experience.  To clarify attitudes.  To develop and be able to justify personal opinion


To understand that family and friends should care for each other

Lesson 1.7

Love (Being loving)

To stimulate thinking about the effect love has on oneself and on others



Lesson 1.9

Love (Consideration)

To stimulate thinking on how consideration for others may bring about our own happiness



Lesson 1.10

Love (Friendship)

To stimulate thought and action about the importance of kindness to each other



Lesson 1.11

Love (Sharing love)

To understand that love expands.  The more love there is the more love grows


To recognise that there are different types of teasing and bullying, that bullying is wrong, and how to get help to deal with bullying

Lesson 1.12

Peace (Being even tempered and dealing with bullying)

To consider how we feel, and how by seeing and accepting our feelings, we may be able to become more positive in our attitude when things seem difficult



Breadth of Opportunities (During the key stage, pupils should be taught the Knowledge, skills and understanding through opportunities)



Sathya Sai EHV

Main Value

(Related values)


Take and share responsibility (e.g. for their own behaviour; by helping to make classroom rules and following them; by looking after pets as well)

Lesson 1.8

Love (Compassion)

To stimulate thinking about needs being the same for everyone


Lesson 2.7

Love (Caring)

To stimulate thought and action about the importance of caring about others and caring for yourself


Lesson 2.25

Non Violence (Living without violence – being responsible for peace)

To encourage thinking and action about living without non violence


Lesson 1.21

Right Conduct (Politeness)

To stimulate thinking about the good effects of being well mannered

Feel positive about themselves (e.g. having their achievements recognised and by being given positive feedback about themselves)

Lesson 1.4

Truth (Humility)

To raise self-confidence and self esteem, without self conceit


Lesson 1.13

Peace (Contentment)

To question whether external things bring happiness or whether happiness comes from within


Lesson 1.15

Peace (self-esteem)

To consider the innate goodness of all, including myself *


Lesson 2.14

Peace (Inner strength)

To stimulate thinking about different ways of being strong


Lesson 2.15

Peace (Positive attitude)

To stimulate an understanding about the importance of developing inner peace as a base for personal problem solving and as a base for understanding and acceptance of difference in people

Take part in discussions (e.g. talking about topics of school, local, national, European, Commonwealth and global concern, such as ‘where our food and raw materials for industry come from’)

Lesson 1.5

Truth (Love of learning)

To stimulate children’s natural curiosity and develop an interest in learning for its own sake


Lesson 2.22

Non Violence (Care of Environment)

To stimulate thinking and action about our responsibility towards nature


Lesson 2.26

Non Violence (living without waste)

To encourage thinking and action about living without wasting

Make real choices (e.g., between healthy options in school meals, what to watch on television, what games to play, how to spend and save money sensibly)

Lesson 1.14

Peace (Patience and self discipline)

To think about the importance of patience and self-discipline in obtaining the things in life that will make us happy


Lesson 1.17

Right Conduct (Care of Myself)

To raise awareness of the different ways of caring for oneself and to raise self-esteem


Lesson 2.13

Peace (Ceiling on Desires – money)

To stimulate thinking about the difference between what we need and what we want and strengthen the ability to choose more carefully


Lesson 2.21

Right Conduct (Using time usefully)

To stimulate thinking about how we use time and how we waste time

Meet and talk with people (e.g. outside visitors such as religious leaders, police officers, the school nurse)








Develop relationships through work and play (e.g. by sharing equipment with other pupils or their friends in a group task)

Lesson 1.10

Love (Friendship)

To stimulate thought and action about the importance of kindness to each other


Lesson 1.20

Right Conduct (Helping those in trouble)

To stimulate thought on the importance of helping each other


Lesson 2.10

Love (Kindness)

To stimulate thinking about the importance of kindness to each other and to encourage a sense of unity and community

Consider social and moral dilemmas that they come across in everyday life (e.g. aggressive behaviour, questions of fairness, right and wrong, simple political issues, use of money, simple environmental issues)


Peace (being even tempered and dealing with bullying)

To consider how we feel, and how by seeing and accepting our feelings, we may be able to become more positive in our attitude when things seem difficult


Lesson 1.18

Right Conduct (Courage)

To focus on how to acknowledge, accept, then overcome feelings of fears or anger in order to help somebody who needs our help


Lesson 1.24

Non Violence (Living without waste – time)

To realise time is precious and it is important how we spend it


Lesson 1.25

Non Violence (love of nature)

To stimulate thinking about the beauty of the world and develop a sense of care and respect for it



Non Violence (Universal love)

To develop a feeling of love for all (keeping the Earth safe)


Lesson 2.17

Right Conduct (Acting with honesty)

To stimulate thought on the effect of being honest on both yourself and on others


Lesson 2.22

Non Violence (Care of environment – our responsibility towards nature)

To stimulate thinking and action about our responsibility towards nature


Lesson 2.26

Non Violence (Living without waste – water)

To encourage thinking and action about living without wasting

Ask for help (e.g. from family and friends, midday supervisors, older pupils, the police)

Lesson 1.12

Peace (Being even tempered and dealing with bullying)

To consider how we feel, and how by seeing and accepting our feelings, we may be able to become more positive in our attitude when things seem difficult


Lesson 2.7

Love (Caring – getting help from the police)

To stimulate thought and action about the importance of caring about others and caring for yourself


* Young people who feel good about themselves are more likely to treat each other, and property, with respect and fairness and be motivated to work for what they want.  Valuing oneself is not the same as selfishness.

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